Video Shops reveal what Elvis was singing about…”

You know the song. “A little less conversation, a little more action. All this conversation aint satisfactioning me!”
As I watch an average of 5 video shops each week to prepare for my phone coaching, I am seeing way too much talking.
Another example was on the Millionaire Matchmaker last night. This is the mindless show I enjoy watching at the end of the day. It totally takes me into the land of bimbos and babble. Patti (the Matchmaker..and she’s Jewish, so she’s a REAL matchmaker!) was trying to set up a millionaire on a date. He was a former model (gorgeous!), athletic, family oriented, successful . The one problem is when he walked in a room to meet people, all he did was talk about HIMSELF. He turned off all the women. They actually did a role play with him where he entered the room and stopped the action and explained what he was doing to turn off the women. Then they interviewed the women, who agreed. TOO MUCH TALKING!
Wouldn’t this be great in a sales office? A customer walks in and when the salesperson goes into “babble” mode, the customer, steps outside themselves and says, “Now, Tom, did you hear yourself?’ “did you stop to take a breath and ask ME anything?” Wow, that would be incredible.
We try to do the next best thing by secretly video taping the sales interaction. Although many salespeople are uncomfortable with this exercise, if you think about it, it is the greatest thing your company can do for you. By taping the shop, first of all, you tape the shopper. The shopper’s “opinion” is no longer the end all and be all. In written shops of the olden days, the shopper’s word was gospel. Now, the shopper is also being taped so we get to watch the dialogue between salesperson and customer. Believe me, if the shopper says or does something incorrectly, we have thrown that tape out long ago and re-doing the shop to meet our standards.
Elvis said it best…”A little less conversation, a little more action….” Instead of blah, blah. blah…focus on the customer. Ask questions. Find out needs. Make a friend. Sell a home.

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