Let’s Go Fishing

Century 21 has a slogan… 
“Don’t be a secret agent!”


On-site salespeople need to get out, stop “sitting” their subdivision and learn to love the old fashioned skill of prospecting!  

The 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 rule still applies: 1/3 of your traffic is generated by your builder, 1/3 the realtors bring in and 1/3 you go fishing for!


Ask everyone who visits if they have someone they know who also would love to live at your community.

Happy Owners –

Make it a habit to call a set number of home owners each week for referrals.  Your home owners are your best bet for excellent referrals.  They are already sold on your community.  Get them to bring along their friends.  Once client of ours sends a “Thank You for Visiting Us” letter to prospects with a postage paid postcard asking if they know anyone who would love living at their beautiful community!  

Neighborhood Activities –

Think of all the community events you are involved in – PTA, church/synagogue, neighborhood association, gymnastics, soccer…the list goes on.  Apply the 10 foot rule. Don’t be obnoxious about it, but let everyone know that you are the one to see if they know of someone who needs a beautiful new home that is moving to your city.

Business Activities –

Are you active with your local Chamber of Commerce?  I am very involved and am shocked when I attend events filled with doctors, dentists, CPA’s and never bump into a new home salesperson.  NEVER!  Might this be a great group for you to network with?  Someone once asked Bonnie and Clyde, “Why do you rob banks?  Their answer was simple…”That’s where the money is.”  Go where the prospects are.

In addition to chambers, check out Rotary, Kiwanis (all professional-usually doctors), Leads Clubs, Toastmasters, Charity boards.  Many of these events happen on your days off and are food events, which are easy to get in and out.

Let’s review some “networking” do’s and don’ts.  You are off to a chamber meeting…

  1. Do bring a ton of cards – keep accessible in right pocket and put theirs in left.
  2. Don’t talk endlessly about yourself.  Cliff notes only.  Ask how they got started at their business and how you can help them.
  3. Don’t go for a slam dunk.  Networking is l-o-n-g term. Building friendships.  Being a matchmaker.  Don’t be impatient.
  4. Don’t focus on food and drink – you are there to “work the room”.  Eat quick or before you go.  If in the food line, strike up conversation there, “How long have you been a member…?”
  5. DO follow up, follow up, follow up! Sound Familiar!  Jot down a few notes on back of business card and send note or better yet information of interest.  Help them first.

My ex-boss, E. Everette Huskey of Huskey Realty was a great motivator.  He would get up at every sales meeting, hold up a newspaper, open it and say, “Somewhere in this paper is someone who needs a home…who will be the one to find them?”

Melinda Brody, MIRM has been inspiring and evaluating salespeople for almost two decades.  She offers sales seminars, keynotes and video mystery shopping services for builders across North America.

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