“Ex-Shopper Now SELLS Homes” Part 2

 Follow up!

 Very few sales reps actually follow up.  If you do, it will put you above 75% of the other sales people out there.

3-Do you find yourself referring to the questions on the report and asking if you covered them to your self?

I keep a copy of a few reports in my desk and after every presentation I go back and take a quick look to see what I missed.  I never expect to cover everything in every presentation because I don’t think it is realistic but I make sure I touch on what I feel the hot points are with that particular buyer.  I think every sales person should keep something like this accessible to constant reminder of what you should be doing day in and day out. 

4-How do you handle today’s tough customers who say, “I am checking foreclosures”. “I’m going to wait..prices will go down” , etc

People come to my model because they have some sort of interest in buying a new home.  They can try to tell you that foreclosures are a better deal but if that was the case they would not be standing in your model.  I sell the benefits of warranty and the fact that you are not buying into a potential repair nightmare but buying a home that you can move into and not have to worry about anything.  I also push the fact that you could start from scratch and be moved into your new home (having built it exactly how you want) by the time it takes to close most foreclosures, that is if the foreclosure even closes. 

5-Any other general comments on how being a shopper prepared you for this new career.

Shopping not only helped me see the really good sales reps but also the really bad.  I experienced many very well trained sales reps out there but they did not have the ability to capitalize on their training and their presentation was stiff and forced.  I have been able to take all these experiences and create my own sales presentation and tailor it to my personality.  I am not trying to copy anyone but be myself and make sure I allow myself to use all the wonderful techniques and skills I have been fortunate enough to experience.

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