Video Mystery Shopping: Be a New Home Sales Olympian! Bring home the GOLD

The Olympics start today! I can’t wait! I love watching the competitions and cheering for Team USA. The spirit, energy and teamwork that are exhibited throughout the 10 days of the Olympics are a true testament to the hard work and commitment of these fine athletes.  These men and women have truly dedicated their lives to their particular sport and the Olympics is the ultimate opportunity to SHINE before the entire world.

As new home sales professionals did you realize that you too have the opportunity to be Olympians? And, the best part about being a new home Olympian is that you don’t have to wait four years to win your Olympic gold. You have the opportunity every day to compete and take home the medal. Your customers and your prospects are the judges. They will score you and determine if your ‘performance’ is worthy of a gold medal.

If you want to sell new homes like a winning Olympian, you need to have the three characteristics that every Olympic athlete has, regardless of what sport they are competing in.

  1. Dedication – Are you dedicated to your profession? Are you dedicated to winning?  Without dedication, it becomes too easy to lose your focus and drive. When a prospect walks into your sales office, your dedication must be clearly recognized. You have to be dedicated to finding them the perfect new home for their needs. Nothing can stop you! When you are dedicated, nothing gets in the way of you and your goals.
  2. Commitment – How committed are you to the job? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to win? Olympic athletes commit to their sport in a way that most of us can’t even fathom. Read about Michael Phelps’ commitment to swimming! This is a young man who spends countless hours in the pool EVERY DAY perfecting his craft. In new home sales if you are not committed to the profession you will quickly be overshadowed by those who are. Only the best of the best athletes get the opportunity to compete in the Olympics. There is no need for a second or third string.
  3. Passion – I believe that passion is the most important trait of all for Olympians. They are passionate about their sport. They will do whatever it takes to master their craft and win! Without passion, there is no game. As you watch the Olympics this week on television, you will learn a lot about the athletes. In addition to their flawless performances, their personal stories will be shared as well. I promise you that there isn’t one competitor that isn’t passionate about what they do.  How passionate are YOU about new home sales? Are you passionate enough to ‘Go for the GOLD’?
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