5 Tips to Master Your Sales Presentation & Ace Your Next Video Shop!

As the Sales Coach and Trainer for Melinda Brody & Company, one of the nation’s premier video mystery shopping firms, I have watched thousands of video shops completed by new home sales professionals. Trust me when I tell you I have “seen it all”, the GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY.

The highest scoring video shops always have one thing in common; they incorporate the following 5 strategies every time. So, here you have my five tips that will help you MASTER your sales presentation.

  1. You had me at Hello – Remember, you only get one chance to make a great first impression. How you meet and greet your prospects sets the stage for the entire presentation. Be sure to make them feel welcome!
    1. Stand up to greet them
    2. Shake their hand
    3. Use their names
    4. Introduce them to you, your builder, and your community
    5. Be enthusiastic! (and SMILE)
  2. Getting to know you – After the initial introduction, most sales people immediately launch in to a full dissertation about their community and their homes. (We call this Feature Dumping!) It is more important at this time to get to know your prospects, discovery their wants and needs, ask questions….and LISTEN. Here’s what you need to know:
    • Current living and $$ financial situation
    • Information about the family
    • Occupation
    • Lifestyle – Hobbies – Recreation
    • Dreams for the new space
    • Discover their WHY
  1. What’s Important to you? This my favorite question to ask during the sales presentation because if you ask it…..your prospects will tell you everything you need to know to sell them a home! You need to sell your prospects three things….a  Home, a Community, and a Home site. So, doesn’t it make sense to ask them what’s important to THEM? If they tell you a 1 story open floor plan with a formal dining room, in a community with a clubhouse, on a conservation home site is important to them, then that’s what you know you need to show them!
  1. Your Brand – Chances are your prospects are looking at multiple home builders before making their final decision. So, it’s your job to be a brand ambassador and create a compelling builder’s story! What is your builder’s USP (Unique Selling Proposition)? This sets you apart from the competition. Ask your prospects if they have ever built a new home before. If they answer yes, ask them what they liked and/or disliked about the experience. This simple question will provide you with their ‘hot buttons’ when it comes to talking about your builder.
  2. Overcome Objections – Chances are that you will be presented with objections from your prospects during your presentation. This is a GOOD thing! Your prospects are looking to you to help them solve the problem, or in other words, overcome the objection.  When you are faced with an objection, follow these four simple steps:
    1. Show Empathy – “I can certainly appreciate and understand that.”
    2. Clarify – “Tell me more about that”, “What is it specifically you dislike about the kitchen?”
    3. Offer Solutions – “I have an idea that might work for you”
    4. Confirm – “Will that work for you?”

When you master these 5 tips/techniques, you will become more comfortable asking for the sale because you have earned the right to ask. Remember, closing is not pushy, annoying, or obnoxious. If you do everything leading up to the close – build rapport, qualify/discovery, tell your builder’s story, overcome objections….you will have earned the right to ask!

If you don’t ask….the answer is always NO.

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